Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy. Show all posts

Sep 28, 2014

Me and We of Relationship

Relationship in life is common but but its longevity is little uncommon. We have so many relationships like husband and wife, man and women, brother and sister, son and father, mother and daughter, sister and sister, brother and brother, pupil and teacher and the list goes on. We build our relationship either by birth, by our contacts or may be due to some other reasons.

Most of us would agree on this truth that a good relationship makes a person happy and a strained relationship causes tension in life. This truth emphasizes the need to understand why a relationship breaks or get strained.

You would be surprised in many cases of couples coming to me for consulting before buying a house their first sentence was like " Sir We wish to buy a good house and plan accordingly, please suggest us. This We and Us are very nice words to bond them and this leads them to success in planning a good house too. let us go further, after some time many of these couples are now changing from this We and Us to Me and mine like words which are the root of serious damage to any kind of relationship. Later on I hear such words from them Sir, its me who bought the house and the other one says its me who manages the home now point here is that We is lost and Me has taken place of We. If anyone in a relationship changes priority which has bearing on others then be careful and see whether we are on verge of adopting this Me instead of We. Please count how many time you are using words like Me, Mine, and compare this count again after some days and see are you readying for a break up ? If you are sure that use of such words are higher then cautiously shift to We and Ours. This will make lot of difference. Journey of life would demand some changes in attitude and everyone should take note of this. behaving like I am always right is a myth and we should try to break this and not these precious relationships which are bestowed upon us. 

Jun 20, 2014

प्रकृति और अहसास (Nature and Feelings)

 एक अनोखी आभा सी
जब हर्दय ने महसूस की भीतर से
रश्मियों के पुंज का प्रकाश
फैला सब दिशाओं में
छट गया युगों का अँधेरा
बस कुछ ही पलों में
नव चैतन्य और श्रंगार से
सुसज्जित हुआ आकाश
चाँद भी लज्जित हुआ
सौंदर्य के प्रतिबोध से
सितारे अठखेलियां करने लगे नभ में
ओस की शीतलता ठहर गयी
कोपलों पे आकर तो
ह्रदय को नृत्य करते देखा पहली बार
नयनों से अमृत बरसने लगा बरबस ही
साक्षात सूर्य की लालिमा को आते हुए
और भोर को अंगड़ाई लेते देखा
प्रकृति की विराटता का आनंद बोध कहूँ इसे
या सचमुच का ईश दर्शन
पुलकित हो गए रोम रोम
पर  समकित होना बाकी है
मालूम नहीं , शायद यही शुरुआत हो ……....

Apr 24, 2014

Arrangements to enjoyment

From our childhood to old age we are constantly arranging something or another with an objective to make life more comfortable or enjoyable.Irony of this situation is that in the process of arrangement we lose our balance in life and the stage of enjoyment is always postponed repeatedly rendering us to live in humiliating and uncertain situation for prolonged time.
Initially everybody tries to be secure and earning is essential part of journey for creation of wealth but at certain stage many people whose living hood is secured get crazy for respect and recognition which they wish to buy but respect can not be bought and this lead them to follow unfair means. They spend money and time too to attain respect of the society but instead of respect they create some sort of commercial brand value which again may be useful for their business but recognition of hearts requires giving something without any expectation and very few person can dare to this. Most people having such hunger for recognition try every way to get noticed which in reality is sheer falsehood.funny part of this process is that more they are     
noticed more they are found to be running after it. On one hand they feel proud,on other hand they become slave of either some individual, thing, or some specific situation which essentially changes with passage of time not necessarily up to or with their expectations. The journey of arranging recognition originally sounded well suddenly puts them to no where and such people starts feeling vacuum and fair amount of distraction. Stunning fact of this aspect of life is more true about most learned, educated and people who are well to do. Such people always look after real friends but rarely it happens as they are sitting on heap of ego which prevents them to come down and share their real inner self with any one. These people then feel stuck up in
one way traffic with only option to move ahead with same mistake of only arranging and not managing.People known to them have mercy on them but they are even unable to feel all this. So what can be the lesson ? Can't we say while arranging, We should also keep managing and enjoy life bestowed upon us.
Ashok Madrecha

Mar 24, 2014

संकल्प ( Determination )


साधना के सोपान
जब दृष्टी के सामने हो
मन निर्मल और इरादे मजबूत हो
तो मंजिल क्यों नहीं मिलेगी
जरा गहराई में उतर कर तो देखो
लक्ष्य सामने रख कर तो देखो।
कष्ट भला किसे नहीं होता
राहे कौनसी निष्कंटक होती हे
सब बहाने हे मन को समझाने के।
सत्य से दूर भाग कर
कुछ क्षणों की राहत , आखिर
कब तक चलेगा ये सब कुछ।
चले आओ धरातल पर
यथार्त से जुड़ कर करो कूच आगे की
भुला दो इतिहास को
जीना तो सीखो वर्त्तमान में
जो हर पल चुकता जा रहा हे।
निकाल दो सभी संशय अपने मन से
अंतरिक्ष नापने का संकल्प लो
स्वयं की हस्ती को कुछ तो महसूस करो
प्रत्यक्ष परिणाम सामने आयेंगे
बस कुछ करने की जिद हो जिंदगी मे।

______     अशोक मादरेचा

Jan 4, 2014

Joy Of Presence

Let us understand , how we can enjoy with our real presence . Most of the time we are physically present at some place while we feel at other place. Equally true while talking with some one and thinking of somebody else. Why this dilemma  is created ? Just because we are far from our own presence. This makes our inner system slow and inefficient which leads us to unhappiness,confusion and thus we are deprived of real joy of life despite our resources we put in.

Consider one example : A person had an occasion to spend some holidays at a very pleasant location of a hill station. While reaching there he had a call from his client about some serious lacuna in providing services by his office. There was possibility of loosing this client and good amount of fee as well.

Now any one would react either negatively or

प्रयास (Efforts)

जब सब कुछ रुका हुआ हो तुम पहल करना निसंकोच, प्रयास करके खुद को सफल करना। ये मोड़ जिंदगी में तुम्हें स्थापित करेंगे और, संभव है कि तुम देव तु...